The 49th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), October 8-10, 2024, in Caen, Normandy, France

Student Participation Grants

A limited number of participation grants are available for student authors attending the LCN 2024 conference. See instructions below for details on grant eligibility and the application process. The grants are sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC). Each grant will provide up to $500 for author registration, accommodations, or travel, and allocated based on the student's needs. For questions about LCN student grants, please e-mail the Student Grants Chair.

Eligibility for Application

All of the following requirements must be met by applicants to be considered for a grant:

  • Be an author of at least one accepted paper or poster at the LCN 2024 conference or workshop
  • Be a full-time student, working towards a Bachelor's, Master's, or Doctorate degree
  • Attend LCN 2024 to present the work

Application Process

Applying for the participation grant is a two-step process that involves the student as well as the student's advisor. Find the complete application process below:


The student needs to provide the name and email address of the person writing a letter of recommendation (e.g., advisor). That person will receive an email about how to upload the recommendation letter. The letter should highlight why the student is a good match for LCN and may include past achievements, good reasons why attending LCN benefits the next career steps of the student, etc. It should also confirm that the student matches the eligibility criteria mentioned above.


The student needs to provide a single PDF file which includes an up-to-date CV as well as a motivation letter. This letter should include:

  • a brief summary of research interests and accomplishments to date of the candidate;
  • a statement about why the conference attendance is important to the student;
  • a description of key areas covered at the main conference and/or special tracks that would positively impact the student's research;
  • evidence of the applicant's current academic status;
  • title(s) of the accepted paper(s)/poster(s);
  • a confirmation that the student will present his/her work at LCN 2024; and
  • an indication of whether any of the co-author(s)/supervisor(s) is planning to attend LCN 2024.

Please upload this information via EDAS. Please also include contact information for your advisor.

Reimbursement Details

  • Reimbursement requests must be submitted within 2-3 weeks after the conference date.
  • Receipts for expenses such as author registration, accommodations, or travel must be provided for reimbursement.
  • Receipts should be e-mailed to the Student Grants Chair.


  • Application submission deadline, via EDAS: August 5, 2024
  • Acceptance notification: August 15, 2024